Best electric pressure cooker in India

5 Best Electric Pressure Cooker in India

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In this article we are going to discuss about best electric pressure cooker available in Indian market. Electric pressure cookers have become increasingly popular in recent years as a convenient and efficient way to prepare meals. These kitchen appliances use high pressure and steam to cook food quickly and thoroughly, while also retaining nutrients and flavors. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at electric pressure cookers and the many benefits they offer.

Best electric pressure cookers in India

Geek Robocook Zeta 5 liter Electric Pressure Cooker

Geek best Electric Pressure Cooker

Geek Robocook Zeta is the most useful One pot Multi Cooker. It is developed with advanced PIC TECHNOLOGY that helps in replacing all your kitchen utensils because this single pot can allows you to Pressure Cook, Cook Rice, Saute, Steam and bake etc. This cooker saves upto 70% of your cooking time.

Geek Robocook zeta 5 liter comes with 13 Indian Preset Menus that makes cooking easy. It Comes with a warranty of 2 years and with certified BIS Safety Standard.

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Wonderchef Nutri-Pot Electric Pressure Cooker

5 Best Electric Pressure Cooker in India

Wonderchef Nutri-pot is a combination of 7 kitchen appliances so that you do not require other appliances for cooking. The one touch automatic operation of this electric pressure cooker is easy to use even for newbie. Wonderchef electric pressure comes with 18 preset functions. Nutri-Pot is simply safe to use with controlled pressure and superior quality of construction.

Instant Pot Duo 9-in-1 Electric Outer Lid Pressure Cooker

5 Best Electric Pressure Cooker in India

Instant Brands is a well known brands in kitchen appliance right from Electric Pressure Cooker, Air Fryer, Oven etc. Today, Instant Brands’ serves in millions of homes worldwide. Instant electric pressure cooker comes with 9 in 1 function for Pressure cook, slow cook, rice cooker, yogurt maker, steamer, sauté pan, yogurt maker, sterilizer and food warmer. It comes with a Cooking Progress Indicator that indicates about the progress of cooking. This pressure cooker comes with 2 year warranty.

Kuvings Instant Pot 6 Litre Electric Pressure Cooker

5 Best Electric Pressure Cooker in India

Kuvings Instant electric pressure comes with 14 cooking programs. The inner pot of this appliance is made of high grade food steels. This electric pressure has more than 10 built in safety features. It comes with special features like Real-Time Cooking Progress Indicator on LCD Screen and Delay Start Function.

SOLARA Magic Pot Electric Pressure Cooker

5 Best Electric Pressure Cooker in India

SOLARA Magic comes with 17 preset menus. This cooker saves space and time with 7 functions. You can easily cook breakfast, lunch and dinner with this electric appliance. Some of the features are Finger-print resistant, stainless-steel sides, dishwasher-safe lid.

Advantages of Electric Pressure Cooker

The time saving

One of the most obvious benefits of electric pressure cookers is the time they save. Traditional cooking methods, such as boiling or baking, can take hours to prepare a meal. With an electric pressure cooker, meals can be ready in a fraction of the time. For example, a pot roast that would take hours to cook in the oven can be ready in just over an hour in a pressure cooker. This makes it a great option for busy people who want to cook a nutritious meal quickly.


Another advantage of electric pressure cookers is that they are very versatile. These appliances can be used for a wide variety of cooking methods, including sautéing, steaming, browning, and even making yogurt. This means that you can use your electric pressure cooker to prepare everything from soups and stews to rice, pasta, and even desserts. Additionally, many electric pressure cookers come with preset cooking programs, making it easy to cook different types of food with the push of a button.

Retains more nutrients and flavors in the food

One of the most important benefits of electric pressure cookers is that they retain more nutrients and flavors in the food. Because the food is cooked at high pressure, it is exposed to less heat, which means that vitamins and minerals are not destroyed. Additionally, because the food is cooked quickly and sealed in the cooker, flavors are locked in, making the food more delicious.

Safety Features

Electric pressure cookers also have safety features, which make them a safer option than traditional pressure cookers. Many models have multiple safety valves and sensors that prevent the lid from being opened while there is still pressure in the cooker. They also automatically release pressure when the lid is opened, which makes it safer to handle the food.

Easy to Clean

Another advantage of electric pressure cookers is that they are easy to clean. Most models have non-stick inner pots, which can be removed and washed in the dishwasher. The exterior of the cooker can also be wiped down with a damp cloth.

How to choose the best electric pressure cooker

When it comes to choosing an electric pressure cooker, there are a few things to consider.

size of the pressure cooker

The first thing to think about is the size of the cooker. Electric pressure cookers come in a variety of sizes, ranging from small 4-quart models to large 8-quart models. Consider the number of people you will be cooking for and the types of meals you plan to prepare to determine the appropriate size of the cooker.


Another thing to consider is the features of the cooker. Some electric pressure cookers come with preset cooking programs, while others have manual controls. Some models also have a slow-cooking function, which allows you to use your pressure cooker as a slow cooker. Consider what features are important to you and what you plan to use the cooker for to determine which model is the best fit.


Finally, it’s also important to consider the price of the electric pressure cooker. There are many different models available at a wide range of price points, so it’s important to find a cooker that fits your budget. Keep in mind that a higher price does not always mean better quality or more features.

FAQs About Electric Pressure Cookers

Which brand is best electric pressure cooker?

There are several reputable brands of electric pressure cookers available in India, and the best one may vary depending on individual preferences and needs. Some popular and well-regarded brands include – Wonderchef Nutri-pot, Instant Pot, Geek robocook. These brands offer a range of models with various features, capacities, and price points. It is advisable to research specific models, read customer reviews, and consider factors like durability, safety features, ease of use, and warranty when selecting the best electric pressure cooker for your needs.

Is electric pressure cooker good for Indian cooking?

Yes, electric pressure cookers are excellent for Indian cooking. They provide a convenient and efficient way to prepare a variety of Indian dishes. Here are some reasons why electric pressure cookers are well-suited for Indian cuisine:
Time-saving: Electric pressure cookers significantly reduce cooking time by utilizing high-pressure steam to cook food quickly. Indian dishes often involve slow cooking or require longer cooking times for ingredients like lentils, beans, and tough cuts of meat. With an electric pressure cooker, you can achieve the same results in a fraction of the time.
Retains flavors and nutrients: Electric pressure cookers create a sealed environment that traps steam, preserving the flavors and nutrients of the ingredients.

Is electric pressure cooker healthy?

Yes, electric pressure cookers can be a healthy cooking option. They utilize steam and pressure to cook food quickly, which helps to retain more nutrients compared to other cooking methods. The shorter cooking time also helps to preserve the natural colors, flavors, and textures of ingredients. Additionally, electric pressure cookers require less oil for cooking, making it a healthier choice for those looking to reduce their fat intake. Furthermore, pressure cooking can help break down tough fibers in beans, legumes, and meat, making them easier to digest. Overall, when used properly, electric pressure cookers can contribute to a healthy and nutritious meal preparation.

What are the side effects of electric cooker ?

Electric cookers, including electric pressure cookers, generally do not have significant side effects when used properly. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines to prevent any potential risks. Mishandling or improper use of electric cookers can lead to accidents, such as burns or scalds from steam or hot surfaces. Additionally, if the cooker is not maintained or cleaned regularly, it may develop issues such as malfunctioning seals or pressure release valves. This can potentially cause accidents or hinder the proper functioning of the cooker. It is crucial to prioritize safety and adhere to the recommended usage guidelines to minimize any potential side effects.

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